Bette B O'Connell - Online Memorial Website

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Bette O'Connell
Born in Illinois
79 years
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Zan Ransburg Mrs. July 14, 2013
Lee and Family,  Dave and I have been out of town and just returned today (Sunday) to hear of your tragic loss.  Know we, along with our family, is thinking about you at your time of loss.  Much love and Caring, Zan and Dave
mike cohen ,savannah ga she will be missed July 12, 2013
i live in savannah ga had the great pleasure of knowing Lee very well.enjoyed when he came into my golf shot ,had the pleasure of meeting his wife once at the landings.i know how much she will be missed by her family and prayers and thoughts are with you and the family
God bless her and Lee
mike cohen
Jean Currie Sympathy July 12, 2013
My deepest sympathy on your loss.  She was always so nice to all of us employees whenever she saw us. 
Jean Currie-aqua instructor-The Clubs at River City
Hal and Linda Duensing We'll miss our Sunday breakfast July 11, 2013
As part of the Savannah folks that know Lee and Bette, we will miss her smile and our Sunday's after church at the Omlette Inn.  Bette was a wonderful lady, we'll miss her at our various social gatherings.   Our thoughts are with Lee at this time.
Hal and Linda Duensing
Steve Hoehne Rest in Peace July 11, 2013
I was sorry to hear of Bette's passing. I and my family lived next door to Harold and Ebba in West Peoria.  She had such a beautiful smile.  Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Steve Shaffer Prayers for The O'Connell Family July 10, 2013
The O'Connell Family,
My heart jumped a beat today when I heard of the home going of Bette.  i know she was loved by all and there will be many memories shared over these next few days.  Know The Shaffer Family is praying for God's peace, compassion power will  bring you through this time.  You are all loved!  Steve, Kay and Lydia Shaffer
Tim O'Connell Nephew July 10, 2013
Uncle Lee, Danny, and Kerry,
We were so sad to hear about our Aunt Bette!  She was such a fun loving person and a passionate mother!  I will always hold fond memories of her infectious laugh!  Know that you are all in our prayers.  

Big Tim 
Terry O'Connell Aunt Bette July 10, 2013
So sorry to hear about Aunt Bette!  She was such a great person and so much fun to be around.   My deepest condolences to Uncle Lee and your entire family.

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